Thursday, January 26, 2017

Consumer Decision Process Effect My decisions.

Do you know how you choose a product or service? What did you do during you buy something. People may did not notice it.

I have same situation. Before I study consumer decision process, I did not notice about it. Only one thing I know is what I need.For example, when I feel hungry, I will buy something to eat. However, I still do not believe many steps I did during buy something.

I go to food market once a week. First, I realize that I need buy some food because my refrigerator is empty. Then I search information from previous experience.  After that, I will choose which market I will go, such as, Food Basics or Zehrs. At this time I always thing about prices, quality, and places. Also, when I buy in the market I still choose the products, such as which one is fresher. Finally, I buy the product, but I will compare product with my expectation.

Problem Recognition, Information search, Evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and post-purchase behavior are five stages for consumers buy the products and services . In addition, each of the stages have many specific details.

Problem recognition means Perceiving a need. People will realize something they need or want. For example, If tomorrow is my girlfriend's birthday, I must buy some gift. If did not buy a good gift, she will kill me first.

Information search also is one of the most important things in consumer decision process. Information search can be internal or external search. Internal search usually concern about previous experience, and people who do not have experience before will be external search. For instance, people who finish long time outside jobs want to get some massage to get relaxing. At this time they usually use internet search where have massages, or they know some good places before.

Evaluation of alternative depend on consumer's criteria. and it include 2 types: subject and object attributes. In addition, it depends on buying situation and consumer, such as, people who work in the office should warn suits.

Purchase decision is make decision on the brands. and it depends on who to buy from and when to buy. consumers are able to change decisions on the brands. Therefore it is a important stage. For instance, people hear information from friends, but when they see the real products in the shores, they maybe change their mine.

Last stage is post-purchase behavior. After consumers buy something, they will compare the products or services with their expectation, Such as they walk about product with their friends, and they maybe say the product which they bought is good or bad.

Those stages are very significant for marketers to analysis consumers behavior. For me, information search has most influence. I realize people will have a lot of research form internal and external, and I did not know it before,

Monday, January 16, 2017

My First Blogger

My name is Jun Shi. I come from China. This Blogger is for my marketing cause.

About Marketing cause, I have few targets. First I interest business marketing because I can communicate with other people. In addition, I want to become a good marketer. I will feel successful if I sell something. Therefore, I want to complete this cause successfully.

I have done a week study at school, but I cannot believe that was happen. I still want to enjoy the vacation because I need more sleeping times, and I want to wake up at 11AM. However, things happened. I should be focus on study.

For the first week at school, Professors or teachers usually talk a lot about introductions, rules, and schedules. Marketing causes mentioned a lot about those things. After I listened those things, I was realize this cause is not a essay cause because I have to do a lot of things in this cause. Such as, a lot of presentations, online quizzes, bloggers, an go on. However, I believe this cause will be help me to grow up if I finish this cause, and I will learn a lot of knowledge. 

Additionally, I have done a presentation last week. It was scare me because I think, I did not prepare enough, and I only did the presentations at the end of the semesters. Therefore, I think, I can do better next time.

Another thing I have learned is how to use E-book and code. I have no idea what should I do after I bought the package, but now, I know how to use the e-book and code. It is very important for Marketing causes because it has a lot of pre-quizzes and post-quizzes. In addition, I can self-study better because I can see the e-book, and there has a lot of highlight.

The last thing is chapter 2. I have studied chapter 2, and finished pre-quizzes on the weekend. Furthermore, I have done a lot of reading. Chapter 2 mentions about marketing environment in many different ways. such as. economy, technology, and competition.  

To sum up, I learned a lot of things last week, and I will do my best during this week and future. Furthermore, after a week study, I realize I will be successful in some aspects. First, I will become a good reader because I need to read a lot of every week. Then I will have good communication skills. Finally, I will become a good marketer.