In contemporary life, Marketing research is a significant thing. Most people maybe do not like to participate a marketing research. They maybe think, it is waste their personal time. It has too much question need to answer. It is not useful, and go on.
I had experience to participate a marketing research. It is a fictional scenario, and we portray some focus groups with classmate. Even though it is a fictional scenario, I still feel better than before.
Before I have this experience, I am same with other regular feeling. Such as, I do like marketing research, or I think it is useless, and I just answer without thinking. However, I change my mine right now.
A simple way to explain is feeling. How did you feel when you buy something uncomfortable. retailer do not know what you want if they did do any marketing research. How they can know your feeling? Absolutely, they should ask.
During a focus group, participants are able to express their personal opinions. They can give their personal chooses. In addition, all the participants have chance to express even though people who very quite.
Focus group just a kind of marketing research. There are many different kind of marketing research in modern world, but people should notice about marketing research is not just for companies or retailers. It also service for all of the customers.
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